Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Got a New Computer Today

Well, after 3 loving years with my Dell laptop it died on me in the middle of entering sweeps last night. I struggled to get it back up and working and tried computer CPR but to no prevail. I am at least hoping to salvage some items off my hard drive but will have to wait till my friends hubby has time to take a look at it.
My husband in the meantime, knowing how much I love my laptop, he let me pick out a new one today. I got a new HP, and it seems fantastic so far!!! yay!!!! I will be busy trying to get familiar with my new BFF in the coming days and weeks.
Farewell to you my trusty Dell and welcome to my life my new HP.


  1. Thanks for the great interest and entries in my Zhu-Zhu pet giveaway! These little guys (and Gals) are great electronic pets!

  2. I'm afraid my computer is near the end of it's life too. It's slowing down and getting clogged with too much stuff. I hope you can retrieve your important documents and pictures from your old laptop!

    Renee from http://memyselfandmommy.com
